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10.9.12 | 6:34 AM | 0 comments

When it does hurt, it cares
Hello. I feel like updating since my previous post got lots of attention. Ah, the bliss of getting noticed. This doesn't come as often as it should. I am such more settled these days. I feel calm, although I have lots to deal with. From house matters, to school matters, to personal matter. I have many things to deal with, but at some point, I would just sit down and calm my ass down. Today's Monday. Did I just heard people gulping and gasping? Ah, the whole ideology of Monday Blues and how Monday is an awful day is just saddening, pathetic. The day doesn't really affect your whole week. Your attitude, how you handle the days would affect your week, not the first day of the week. Pathetic. Menyampah.

Another thing that really get on nerves is, when people complaint about how English language + writing essays in English is hard. They'd blame the teacher, they'd blame the government, they'd blame everyone. Really? Are you really gonna blame everyone, but yourself? Have you ever just wonder, it might be, just might be your stupid/lazy asses are the reason you are failing the English tests ? I am not that good in English, but I learn how to be perfect. The amount of people who actually reads, surprise the hell out of me. Not a good surprise, a really, really, devastating surprise. Sigh. Pathetic. Menyampah.

 I hate to use my blog as a medium for me to rant and talk about my problems, but that seems to be the main point of me having a blog anyway. I hate people. Did anyone knows about that? I hate people. I hate to be around people. I hate meeting people. I hate having a conversation with people. I hate interacting with them. I basically, hate people. I hate them so much. They disgust me. By just watching them breath gets me nausea. I am sorry if you're a person, but I hate making contacts with people. I sound so ridiculous right? Well, I get ridiculed everyday so I don't even care anymore.

